the timing of Mandukya upanishad from linguistics
From: Kishore patnaik
Message: 50974
Date: 2007-12-22
Dear all,
Mandukya upanishad is written by sage MAndooka, the son of MAndooki.
His disciples or children are called MAndukeyas. Both the names are
mentioned in the vamsa Brahmana of Br.Up.
While there is a Sakha of Rgveda dedicated to MAndukeya, who is the
son of Indra pramati, the group of MAndukeyas are primarily
responsible for the growth of phonetic sciences. Interestingly, the
MAnduki Siksha discusses the seven notes of the Indian Music, with
which we are all so familiar.
MAndukeya is connected to Saubhari and Baskala, either by Vamsa
brahmana or by division of Vedas into sakhas. Saubhari is a
contemporary of the king MAndhata, who preceded Lord Rama by several
All this is by literature.
My question is whether we can find out the time of MAndukya Up.
through the linguistics? I am not asking for an absolute time (like
6th century bce etc) but a relative timing ('it may be of the times of
so and so personality or of texts...)
please remember that I don't know linguistics.
Hope to hear from the group,
kishore patnaik
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