Re: Hat

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 50324
Date: 2007-10-17

--- In, "tolgs001" <george_st@...> wrote:
> akonushevci@ wrote:
> >I think that Alb. kat-un(t) 'village', borrowed on all Balkans
> >languages with primary meaning 'house'
> [SNIP]
> >katua 'cot, cowehouse', kot-ec 'cote, henhouse',
> Isn't the latter Slavic?
> >if we accept a/o change in some Illyrian dialects (Messapian,
> >Liburnian) are simple the derivative of *kat-.
> And (modern) North German Kate, Kote, Kotte "hut; a poor's house",
> akin to English/Norse cot/kot (in most cases its pan-German
> synonym: Hütte; cf. Hut "hat" & Haut "skin; hide").
> George
Yes, according to Franz Miklošic it is from kotac 'stablum parvum';
Hahn kutezz-i t'pulave 'colombajo; henhouse'; cutesi 'gallinajo';
cutezze-i 'covaccio delle galline'; cucchiac-u 'id.'; cuciak
'gallinajo' (Rossi). But, in "Proto-Indo-European Etymological
Dictionary" (2007, page 1456), A Revised Edition of Julius Pokorny's
"Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch" one can find: Maybe Alb
kotec 'cell, nest' under the root *kat-'to link or weave together;
chain, net'. But, Alb. kot-ec has specialized the meaning 'henhouse',
like katua/katue 'cowehouse' to differ it from kat-und '(man)hosue'
and the meaning 'net, cell' is probably attributed from Church Slavic
kotьcь 'cella, net' to Alb kot-ec.
Otherwise, this root is reconstructed by Mallory-Adams as *ket-: OE
heaðor, OCS kotьcь 'chamber', Av kata- 'chamber', borrowed into the
Uralic languages , e.g. Finish kota 'dwelling, tent, hut'. But,
elsewhere *ket- show up with the meaning 'hole': Av čāiti 'in a hole',
Skt cātvāla- 'hole for the sacrificial fire', Toch B kotai- 'hole', so
it may be that 'chamber' was originally something like a 'storage pit'.


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