Re: Hat

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 50312
Date: 2007-10-16

On 2007-10-16 23:14, alexandru_mg3 wrote:

> Because the c^ of Romanian /k&c^ul&/ 'hat' cannot be originated on
> the s of MLat casula , /k&c^ul&/ cannot be 'derived' from MLat casula
> only the invers relation could be true...
> But maybe your point was related only to MLat <casula>?

What I suggested was that the Med.Lat. word could be a loan from
something like Albanian, with *c^ already changed into a fricative,
while the Romanian word would reflect the original Proto-Albanian
pronunciation. I hope you like it this way.

> Having a Subtratual /k&c^-ul&/ from *kaT-tó- (with a direct cognate
> Latin cassis 'helmet' and an indirect one *kaT-nó-
> (Germanic "hat")) : we have in /k&c^ul&/ 'the live output' of the
> Dental+Dental in Proto-Albanian...If true, this is quite
> least for me.

If true, it would nicely support the view that the regular Albanian
reflex of *-t-t- is indeed -s-, and that something like *-c^- was one of
the stages in this development.
