Iranian loans in pre-Germanic

From: tgpedersen
Message: 49402
Date: 2007-07-17

> ****GK: Is there any term in the Germanic languages
> which can be proved to be a loan from Iranian PRIOR to
> the "Grimm" sound shift?****

How about this one:

Skt. dhruvá- "firm, secure"
Old Persian duruva id.
(PIE voiced aspirated stops bh, dh, g^h, gh, gWh merge
with the voiced unaspirated stops b, d, g^, g, gW in Iranian)
Gk. a-thróos (< *sm.-dhrowo-) "dense, close"

> (pre-Gmc. loan) > *truw-o:- "belief, faith"

The Germanic stem is traditionally assumed to be
related to *dreu- "tree".
