Re: Res: [tied] The cat domestication happened more than 100,000 y

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 49227
Date: 2007-07-01

--- In, Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...>
> I read the articles in BBC, New York Times, and about
> 5 other places. The split is between the ancestors of
> domestic cats and other lines of wildcats. The five
> maternal lines split then. It doesn't mean they were
> domesticated then. There may well have been a reason
> for the split, and it may have had to do with cats
> that could tolerate the presence of humans in and
> around patches of wild grain. But that's not the same
> as domestication. There are plenty of examples of
> semi-domesticated and wild, managed animals that
> tolerate the presence of humans such as rabbits, deer,
> skunks, armadillos, raccoons, squirrels and there may
> or may not be separate lineages between these animals
> and their cousins that aren't habituated to humans.
sorry, but I cannot folow...

1. all the domesticated cats belongs to a single group: this was
genetically proved

2. this group was a single species once.

3. the split from the wild cats is now measured to 130KYA, NO OTHER

4. so There is no other 'wild-(semi-)domesticated-cat' species
younger than 130KYA

5. you need to suspect that a DOMESTICATION started with few
individuals that in time will form a new species: I hope you do not
imagine that ALL the individuals of an existing species could be

1-5 indicates that the cat-domestication belongs to that 5-EVE-cats
