Re: "stump," "stub," "shortened," "stunted," "blunt"

From: tolgs001
Message: 49055
Date: 2007-06-18

> Gm. Strunk, Lat. truncus, Bq. unkhü 'tree stock, trunk'
>Gm. Strunk 'stalk, stem, tree stump', according to Kluge/Seebold
>(1995), is only attested in Late Middle High German (strunc) and in
>Dutch (stronk). Outside Germania the only comparison ("vielleicht")
>is Lith. strùngas 'cut back, trimmed'. "Weitere Herkunft unklar."
>Finn. runko 'stem' is a Germanic loan-word.
>For Lat. truncus, -i: m. 'stem, trunk (of a tree, of a human body)

Romanian trunchi has also this secondary meaning, "body"
(without head and limbs) = Ger. Rumpf, engl. rump (with...
"Herkunft unklar" :)). (In Hungarian, both Ger. Stamm and
Rumpf are translated by törzs [törZ], which also mean "tribe"
(cf. Ger. Stamm).)
