Re: Germanic KW

From: stlatos
Message: 48735
Date: 2007-05-28

--- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> How about this:
> OHG garo,
> MHG gar, garwer
> ON go,rr "prepared, complete"
> < PGerm. *gar-wa ("cooked"), ppp in -wo of *gWHer- "warm" v.
> (whence *garw-jan > ON ger(v)jan, Da. gøre "do")

Do these mean 'prepare, cook' like OE gegearwian?

> Difficult to get around without allowing for dialectal development.

Though different Germanic languages do show specific developments
later, most words don't show evidence that there was variation within
each Proto-Germanic word. That is, there isn't one group showing
*wulfaz and another *wulxWaz. This seems to show there was sporadic
change but not dialects each with regular change.