Res: [tied] Herakles Rising

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 48247
Date: 2007-04-04

Can we analyze Herakles' genealogy as good clue for deducing mythical substrata?

Herakles has mainly Perseid and Pelopid blood. The Perseid "clan" is just an offshoot of older Danaid line. Substratum under substratum?
Pelopid dinasty come from Asia Minor; Danaid were considered to be Egyptian. Just legends or some historical clue?

Joao SL

----- Mensagem original ----
De: Joao S. Lopes <josimo70@...>
Para: Cybalist <>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 4 de Abril de 2007 13:43:19
Assunto: [tied] Herakles Rising

Herakles was the "national" hero of Dorians, but he was a Doric hero assimilated to another Greek hero or god, or they belong to a common source in Proto-Greek?

Thessalian Herakles = Argive Herakles = Theban Herakles???

Herakles' ancestry is nested into Perseus' offspring. May it represent that Doric "Herakles" was fitted into a previous Pre-Doric (Mycenean?) scheme, when Perseus was a dominant hero?

I'd like comments and references.

Joao SL

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