RE : [tied] *telH- 'Ground, floor'

From: patrick cuadrado
Message: 47775
Date: 2007-03-10

Celtic : Talo-/Talu-
1- Front/Honour
2 - Shield< Flat face
Brittonic             :Breton E-tal. Cornic Tal (Front). Welsh Talcen/Tall/Talu (Front/Merit) and Astalch (Shield ?).
Gaélic              :Scot Talmaich (Dignity). Old Irish Taul < Irish Tul (Hump/Front/Umbo)
Grec Tēlia/Telamon (Play table/Flag shield). Latin Tellūs (Earth). Provençal Talvera (Edge of field)
Lituanian Pā-talas (Bed). Prussien Talus (Floor)

Abdullah Konushevci <akonushevci@...> a écrit :
*telH- `ground, floor'. Alb tullë `brick', tullar `brick-maker' from
zero-grade form *tl.H1-eH2, where *l.H1 yields regulary –ul- and
intervocalic /l/ become /ll/: OE þel `floor', þille `plank of floor':
Lith tiles `planks at the bottom of a ship': OIr talam `earth': Lat
tellu:s `earth', Rus tlo `bottom'. 2. Alb truall/truell, pl.
troje `land, terrain' from *tleH1-lo > PAlb tle:lo and through
dissimilation l – l > r – l and l > ll /V_V. (Pokorny 2. tel- 1061.)


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