Re: Res: [tied] Etymology of Rome

From: Sean Whalen
Message: 47761
Date: 2007-03-09

--- alexandru_mg3 <alexandru_mg3@...> wrote:

> But Skt. ra:man is not <<an o-grade *h1rom-en-
> and even is not ended, at all, with -en>>

> Skt. ra:man is a zero-grade *h1rmh-men- and is ended
> with the suffix -
> -men- (that has sense also sematically for an word
> like 'peace' : <<X-
> men>> <=> <<having as its main/single property the X
> >> )
> In addition, Skt. ra:man < *h1rmh-men- is really an
> argument for the
> presence of the laryngeal, otherwise we will have
> not have, at all,
> the long a:

I'd say that ra:man- is most likely < *ramman <
*xYremmYn., since in Avestan there is also:

*kYwèntó+ > *spanta+ > sp@... 'holy'

*spant+nas+ > *spannax+ > spa:nah- 'holiness'

In fact, nouns in -men, etc., can have either e- or
0-grade in the stem. I say this is because they are
assigned mid tone and it was optional to delete a+mid
(obligatory a-tone) before R/N/X in a syllable.

Later both a+low and +mid > e ().

Another argument against your *h1rmh-men- is that
while *n: > a: is right, *m: > a:m instead.

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