Re: IE *-g(')Wh- > Alb -h-/ -f-

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 47597
Date: 2007-02-25

--- In, "Abdullah Konushevci"
<akonushevci@...> wrote:
> --- In, "alexandru_mg3" <alexandru_mg3@>
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Abdullah Konushevci"
> > <akonushevci@> wrote:
> > >
> > > 1. *dn.g'hWa:/*dn.g'u: `tongue'. Because for the first sequence
> we
> > > have talked thoroughly in Cybalist, I like just to repeat that
> last
> > > sequence –g'hWa: (Skt jihva:, av hivza, Arm lezu, Gen lezvi:
> > > Lating dingua, Lat lingua, OHD zunga: OCS jezy-k&: Toch A
> > > Toch B käntwo etc.) was treated like –ghW and have yilded Alb –
> h. I
> > > was naturally based in *leghW- `light' > Alb leh-të `id.'.
> > >
> > > 2. *dhgWhei- `to perish, dei away' > Alb fik `extinguish,
> destroy'
> > > probably from zero-grade form *(dh)gWhi-k (cf. ik `to run
> > > from imperative form: Grekk phthisis from phthinein: Skt
> > `he
> > > perishes' and kºapayati `he destroys'.
> > > 3. *egWh- `to drink' > Alb deh `to become drunk' with d- prefix
> > from
> > > *ad- or of unknown origin, like in Greek: Latin e:brius
> > Alb
> > > esëll `sober' probably from *o:gWh-el: Lat sobrius `id.':
> Hittite
> > > ekuzi `he drinks', Greek nephein `to be sober'.
> > >
> > > 4. *kneigWh- `to lean on' > Alb ndih `to help' from nih ~ nif
> with
> > > homorganic /d/: Lat co:ni:ve:re `to lean together'.
> > >
> > > 5. *slengWh- `to slide, make slide' > Alb llohë `sleet' from
> > > lengthened suffixed basic form *sle:ngWh-eH2, but with no
> cognate
> > in
> > > other languages, so beside *sl > ll and *gWh- > h-, very
> suspicious.
> > >
> > > 6. Alb fryj `breathe, blow, wind', synonymic with ënjt `to
> to
> > > swell' (Gheg âj `id', âjë `swelling'< *anH- `to breathe'), to
> > > view, should be from *gwhre:-n-yo with regular interchange h >
> > > (cf. ftoh/ftof, njoh/njof, plah/plaf etc.). Alb frymë `breath,
> > > breathing; wind; spirit; soul' is a derivative of fryj.
> > >
> > > I am aware that *degWh- yields Albanian djeg as well as *dogWh-
> eyo
> > >
> > > Alb dez, as well as *gWher-m > Alb zjarm > zjarr `fire', so may
> > > suppose that aspirated voiced labiovelar have yield in Albanian
> > > after /*o/ > g, after *e > z, otherwise –h- / -f-.
> > >
> > > Konushevci
> > >
> >
> > So to resume
> > gWH>g,
> > gWH>z ,
> > gWH>h ,
> > gWh>f ,
> > and gWh>s as in <<<<[AK] esëll `sober' probably from *o:gWh-
> el:>>>>
> > isn't it?
> >
> > and so on...
> >
> > Could you imagine that something is wrong here?
> > We ONLY have
> >
> > I) *gWH/- > PAlb. g
> > *degWh-o > PAlb/Dacian djega (see Dacian Diegis) > Alb. djeg
> >
> > II) *gWH/+ > PAlb. g^ > z
> > *gWher-m- > PAlb/Dacian g^erm- (see Dacian Germisara) > Alb.
> zjarm
> >
> >
> > Could you imagine that
> > 1. fik is not from *dhgWhei-
> > 2. esëll is not from *o:gWh-el
> > and that
> > 3. finally all your suppositions from 1 to 6 are wrong?
> >
> > Wake up, please...
> >
> > Marius
> ************
> One can see it from the plane that you are trying in your outrage
> nullify all my attempts to derivate some Albanian words, containing
> labiovelars. That the labiovelars, together with the palatals, are
> of crucial importance, there is no doubt. Could you, for example,
> imagine that PIE *kW have yielded in Greek /t/, /k/ and /p/ or *gWh
> > /th/, /kh/ and /ph/, but *gW > /b/, /d/ and /g/. Look, for
> instance, *gW > /g/, but *gWh > /kh/, but not /gh/. Or, you must
> know better Latin, for, as we have seen you can't distinct article
> from Greek nouns, as you cannot distinct also adverbs from
> adjectives, like in your previous post, aspirated voiced labiovelar
> have yielded in Latin: gu, g, v, f-, till in Gothic g, gw and w.
> Quite interesting, isn't it?!
> Instead of your open intention to nullify or my etymologies, why
> and your master too, do not give other explanations. I will try to
> help you and your master too, i.e. in Alb gjuhë `tongue', -hë is
> from *-g'hWa:, but from –x or –y or –z. Or, Alb adjective (i, e)
> të is not from *legWh-/*lagWh- but from different root. So, you may
> continue to say that Alb deh `to become drunk' is derived,
> to Orel, from *deg-ska < *degWh-ska, instead of *d-o:gWh- and Alb
> esëll `sober' to derive from compound *n. - + sillë etc. In this
> context, I see /s/ as allophone of /z/, as I see /h/ (in Albanian)
> in many contexts as allophone of /f/.
> You claim:
> Could you imagine that
> 1. fik is not from *dhgWhei-
> 2. esëll is not from *o:gWh-el
> and that
> 3. finally all your suppositions from 1 to 6 are wrong?
> Wake up, please...
> Yes, I could imagine, but when you prove that Alb fik is from
> different root and I will finally, not 1-6-, but 1-8 are, for your
> pleasure, all wrong.
> And, in the end, I think that like Dusan Vukotic, like Polat Kaja,
> like Marsius Alexandru are all cranks, as are their masters.
> Konushevci

I) Could you tell me who is my master?
I suspect that it would be better to know him.

II) Now seriously : If you accept (at least these two etimologies):

*dHegWH-o > PAlb/Dacian djega (see Dacian Diegis) > Alb. djeg
*gWHer-m- > PAlb/Dacian g^erm- (see Dacian Germisara) > Alb. zjarm

How you can say that fik reflects *dHgHW(e)i-k ??? Could you see that
we would have exactly the same gWH/+=>{i,e} as in gWHer-m...

So doesn't matter from where fik is, because zjarm/zjarr is so
EVIDENT and the Primordial Rule says: "SAME CONTEXT SAME RULE" you
cannot try with another gWH/+ to obtain something else apart PAlb. g^
> Alb. z...

It's simple...

So in place to see enemies everywhere you need only to apply a little
logic here...


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