[tied] Re: PIE i- and u-stems again

From: tgpedersen
Message: 47503
Date: 2007-02-16

> Not a noun, but there's <tolf> '12', which appears on the
> Rök runestone as <tualf> (and <tolfta> as <tualfta>). That
> certainly looks like another example of Cwa- > Co-.

Cf. Da., Sw. 'tolv'. Dissimilation? *wa -> *wo (-> *o) is otherwise a
Danish development, Da. to, Sw. två "twelve", Da. vogn, Sw. vagn
"waggon", Da. *warTing- in Vordingborg, Oringe. How far north that
development got, I don't know, Brøndum-Nielsen doesn't have anything
about it.
