From: tgpedersen
Message: 47289
Date: 2007-02-06
> > Now Greek is supposed to have descended from the so-calledYou haven't provided anything that would support the claim that the
> > Catacomb culture in the Eastern Ukraine, which means they stayed
> > "home" in the Ukraine until well into Kurgan time. The separation
> > of
> According to the Anatolian farming hypothesis Greek came from Turkey
> along with the farmers, not from Ukraine.
> As far as the IIr, especially the Iranians, a detour through theThe Iranians didn't make a detour through the steppes. They lived on
> steppes is quite unnecessary. Iran is next door to Turkey.
> What I find the most intriguing is the following. The timeErh, why is that intriguing? Are you proposing that the Rgveda was
> difference between the traditional date of Rig Veda and the
> Indological one is exactly the same, 3000 years, as the that between
> the Anatolian and the Kurgan theories.