[tied] Re: PIE Punctual and Durative

From: tgpedersen
Message: 46803
Date: 2006-12-28

> The result of *bheré- is a thematic stem.
> In at least three forms, where we should expect a primarily
> durative meaning, we find thematic stems:
> imperative: *bhere
> present: *bhereti (almost everyone considers *-i an independent
> element)
> imperfect: *He-bheret (almost everyone considers *He- an
> independent element, indicating non-present time)

Where do you find that imperfect form in IE languages?

> These are matched by athematic (punctual):
> imperative: *bher-
> injunctive: *bhert
> aorist: *He-bhert

> > > Well said. Now, how would you distinguish between a durative and
> > > punctual situation?
> > I don't think *I* would. I think they are Kantian a priori
> > categories.
> Well, I have an idea that does not require philosophy.
> I believe that the verbal idea that follows a durative is
> interpreted as co-occurring; what follows a punctual is sequential.

I don't get it, could you elaborate?
