Re[2]: [tied] Re: Ablaut, hi-conjugation, stress alternation, etc

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 46769
Date: 2006-12-26

At 10:27:40 PM on Monday, December 25, 2006, Patrick Ryan

> Richard Wordingham:

>> For punctuality, try 'I shall read the street name
>> carefully next time I'm there.'. 'I shall be reading the
>> street name carefully next time I'm there' would be
>> unusual, though it might be appropriate if one had to
>> puzzle out what was written.

> Certainly, the 'carefully' suggests perfectivity.

> But why should we be constrained to interpret this
> punctually?

You aren't so constrained, but Richard just demonstrated
that it's the obvious and usual interpretation: if a
non-punctual interpretation were normal, 'I shall be reading
...' wouldn't sound so odd.

