Re: [tied] Persephone

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 46321
Date: 2006-10-10

Persephone < *perso-gHwon- ???

Could be...

I prefer to see Perse- as Pre-Greek, cognate of Perseis (Helios' wife), Perse:s (Hekate's father, also name of a Helios' son), Perso: (=Hekate)

The variants Persephone, Periphona, Phersephatta, Persephassa, Phersepone, Perrhe-, point to an original *Phersephon-.

Perhaps *phon means "daughter", Pherse-phon, daughter of Perses, an epithet of Hekate.

tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> escreveu:
--- In cybalist@..., "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@.. .> wrote:
> Tuisto < *twi- "two, twin", was the same as Norse Ymir, the
Hermaphrodit Primordial Giant (PIE theme, akin to Indian Purus.a,
Greek Eros Protogonos).
> Irmin = *Ermunaz, -inaz = Odinn
> Istvo = Istwaz, -an = Thorr
> Ingvo = Yngvi-Freyr
> Joao SL

I found these on the net on Persephone. I think you'll enjoy them
http://pages. klaphil/idg/ persophatta/ home.html
http://pages. klaphil/idg/ persophatta/ comments. html

and a NWBlock cognate (from Kuhn), in un-Germanic p-:
19. *p u r s - "Pors",
in dem norddeutschen und nordischen Namen der myrica gale
(auch Gagel genannt —
altn. pors,
mnd. pors post).
Es ist ein Strauch, der zeitig im Frühjahr durch seine kräftig
rote Blüte auffällt.
Sein Name wird zu gr. purrós pursós "feuerrot"
und pursós "Fackel"
(zu idg, *pu:r "Feuer") gehören.
Die echt germanische Entsprechung ist ags. fyrs,
engl. furze "Stechginster" .
In Ostdeutschland ist pors auf ledum palustre übergegangen.

http://www.uni- katzer/engl/ Myri_gal. html

Today its berries are mainly used to spice up schnaps.


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