Re: Prenasalization, not ejectives cause of Winter's law?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 46120
Date: 2006-09-19

> And I think I'll add som Møller, too:
> "
> assyr. erpu 'Wolke', erpitu, urpatu 'eine dunkle, schwarze Wolke',
> irpu: 'umwölkt, cloudy', urpanis^ Adv. 'like clouds'.
> "

I hasten to add some more Møller:
semit. H-r-b-, Perf.
arab. Haraba 'perseveravit in negotio',
'abiit, procul abiit, recessit,
became remote, distant, absent, hidden, retired from view,
(a wild animal) hid himself in his lurking-place, occidit (sol)',
intr. Haruba 'obscurus fuit',
assyr. ere:bu 'hineingehn, (von Baulichkeiten) vorspringen,
(von der Sonne) untergehn',
äthiop. Haraba, Harba 'occidere (de sideribus)',
hebr. H-r-b 'untergehn, Abend werden, (von der Freude) verschwinden',
neuhebr. Hiph. 'sich zum Abend neigen, untergehn (von der Sonne),
es Abend werden lassen',
syr. HeraB 'occidit (sol)',
jüd.-aram. HaraB 'sich zum Abend neigen, untergehn (von der Sonne)',
semit. Hàrb-
(genau = an. hvarf) >
hebr. H`æræB 'Abend, Westen' und
neuhebr. 'Rüsttag (vor dem Sabbat), Freitag',
äthiop. Harb '(vespera, >) vespera ante sabbatum, vigilia sabbati',
arab. HarbuN 'occidens, prominentior pars rei,
the edge of a thing, remoteness',
ma-HrabuN, ma-HribuN 'the place or point of sunset',
Dual al-maHriba:ni 'the two places where the sun sets,
the northernmost place of sunset in summer and
the southernmost in winter',
hebr. ma-Hara:B 'Untergangsort der Sonne',
äthiop. ma-Hra:b 'occidens, plaga occidentalis'.
SI. 233 f.

which is the word some derive 'Europe' from.
"west, darkness, hiding place" seems to match
nicely with the previous glosses.


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