Re: [tied] Robert Graves' 14 Titans

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 45727
Date: 2006-08-15

Following Karl Kerenyi's clues, I found a reference in Orphica fragmentorum 114 to seven couples of titans, but different of Graves' list:
Hyperion/Theia, Koios/Phoibe, Kreios/Mnemosyne, Iapetos/Themis, Okeanos/Tethys, Phorkys/Dione, Kronos/Rheia.
That is, the six Hesiodic pairs plus Phorkys and Dione.

Joao SL

"Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@...> escreveu:
HYperion/Theia (Sun), Atlas/Phoibe (Moon), Kreios/Dione (Mars), Koios/Metis (Mercury), Eurymedon/Themis (Jupiter), Okeanos/Tethys (Venus), Kronos/Rheia (Saturn)
These are the seven couples of Titans who were born from Eurynome and Ophion, according to Robert Graves' Greek Mythology, 1st topic.

Does anyone know what was his source for these different set of titans? He quoted a lot of sources, but I've never got to find where these 14 Titans are mentioned before. I like Graves because he is very audacious in his theories, but he sometimes his "creativity" goes to far...

Joao SLOpes

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