On 2006-08-03 02:39, Joao S. Lopes wrote:
> Jaan Puhvel explained Solar Russian God Daz^bog < Daz^dIbogU <
*Da:dhi-bhagos "Give Fortune",
Russ. daz^(I) cannot be derived directly from *doh3-dHi, but reflects
the Slavic imperative *dadjI. The "regularly expected" PIE athematic
imperative *d(o)h3-dHi, by the way, is not attested (or rather
conspicuous by its absence) even in Vedic or Greek, and it seems certain
that the 2sg. aorist injunctive *doh3-s was used in its stead already in
PIE. Daz^bog's name certainly means 'give-wealth' (PSl. *dadjI-bogU); in
Slavic compounds with a verbal first member, the verb form came to be
interpreted as an imperative governing the second member. This type od
structure isn't characteristic of PIE compounds, so I wouldn't push the
reconstruction beyond Proto-Slavic.
> Which is the current analysis of vasu-?
*h1wé:su (*h1wésw-) 'good'.