Re: [tied] Themis

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 45523
Date: 2006-07-26

According to Pierre Chantraine's Morphologie historique du grec, themist- is a "crossing" between an i-theme themis, themitos (with added -t-) and an s-theme themis-, themios. In Theogony, a verse mentions accusative themin.

this s-theme could be analogous to Sanskrit havis-.

Joao SL

Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> escreveu:
On 2006-07-24 16:24, Joao S. Lopes wrote:

> What is the etymology of Themis (themist-) "Justice"?
> It seems superfcially similar to root *dhe:- "to put", but its structure
> is odd. It seems to me a compound or a Pre-Greek word.
> Themist < *them-is-t ?

The odd inflection (gen. tHémistos, acc. tHémista, tHémistes, tHémistas) points to an consonantal stem in *-st-. I don't know
what to make of it.


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