[tied] Re: Labiovelar Phonological Identity???

From: aquila_grande
Message: 45188
Date: 2006-07-02

In Italian there is an opposition between "qu" and "cu", examples:

qui-here, quieto-still, cui-which, acuito-sharp

The difference is that in "qu", the labial komponent is more or less
overlapping with the velar stop, where in "cu" the labial component is
a separate syllable.

> the labiovelars seems to be a theoretical joker. By myelf I don't
> consider them for have beeing for real. Instead of this I prefer the
> Rumanian living system. There is "bi" versus "g_i" and "pi" versuch
> "ki" as a matter of fact and as a living witness of this alternance,
> regardless what was the reason of making bi/g_i and pi/ki as
> alternant pair.
> Alex