Re: [tied] Re: Idea of PIEan expansion - "business takeovers" on ma

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 44437
Date: 2006-04-29

You're absolutely right, I'm referring only to that marker.
But in the interest of getting back on topic.
What are the Y & Mitochondrial DNA markers associated with the spread of IE?
How are they related to other markers?
E.g. Is I --associated with the Viking/Scandinavian expansion, as I seem to remember-- a relatively recent split from J? I saw this in some publication.
Is R assocated with pre-IE Western Europeans?

ehlsmith <ehlsmith@...> wrote:
--- In, Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...>
>   Curiously, I myself have the J2 haplotype even though my Mc
Callister ancestors arrived in the US from Belfast c. 1750 or so. My
closest genetic relatives on websites, other than some other Mc
Callisters, are in Central Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe and
tend to be Kahane or Muslims.

I'm afraid I'm being a nitpicker, but isn't it rather misleading to 
say "closest genetic relatives" when comparing less than .00005 of the

Ned Smith

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