[tied] Re: Dacian Sounds Laws - (2) Long Vowels

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 44370
Date: 2006-04-22

--- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Abdullah Konushevci
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 4:44 PM
> To: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [tied] Re: Dacian Sounds Laws - (2) Long Vowels
> <snip>
> Obviously these are not the ones that Alexandru is talking about,
> it does seem to me that Rocky Mountains (aka Rockies) is very
> ***
> Patrick:
> Not so obvious to me.
> ***
> *ak'-'sharp'. Oldest form *H2ek'-, colored to *H2ak'-. Suffixed
form *ak'-men 'stone, sharp stone used as a tool with metathetic
variant *k'a-men (cf. Slavic <kamen> 'stone') with variant form *k'a-
mer (cf. English hammer).
> Alb. <karpë> 'rocky hill with sharp peak', pl. <karpat>, seems to
be primitive singular of <krep> 'rocky crag' (pl. <krepat>), as well
with intensive prefix sh-krep 'pointed crag, rocky crag', pl. <sh-
krepat> shows the same development as <akrep> 'scorpion' (pl.
akrepat) and <sh-krapël> 'id.', pl. <shkraplat>.
> Question is: may we assume that *k'H2e-, extended in noun â€"r/-n
suffix and extended in bilabial stop yields Alb. <karpë> from
*k'H2ar-p-eH2? I don't know any other case that laryngeal *H2 cause
the velarization of palatal, but I can't see another solution.
> Konushevci
> ***
> Patrick:
> "Another solution" is that *ka(:)r- is simply not related to *ak^-.
> It is one of the rare words with a "naturally" long vowel.
> ***

You are right here. karpë (with short a) is not related at all to
ak^ => the 'usual' derivation is (s)korh1-p-eh2 < PIE (s)kerh1- 'to
cut' (but for me a zero-garde is more plausible *(s)krh1-p-eh2)
