Re: [tied] PIE athematic neuters: *me:n-, 'moon'

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 43945
Date: 2006-03-21

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] PIE athematic neuters

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] PIE athematic neuters

  The standard example is
*méh1no:ts, *m(e)h1nésos "moon, month", which I would derive
from **mát-nu:t-s, *mat-nút-a:s (> *m@...:s > *m@...
> *meh1nésos).  When the *u stands at the beginning of a
morpheme, it goes to *we/*u instead of *e, as in the pf.
ptc., say *wéid-wo:t-s, *wid-ús-os.

Quite aside from the highly improbable transformation of pN *t into PIE *H1, there is the question of the possible linkage of *me:n-, 'moon', with *m-e-t-, 'measure', which Miguel assumes, apparently. 
From pre-Nostratic to PIE is quite a jump, and perhaps it might have been instructive to linger, at least, briefly at Nostratic in general, and Egyptian in particular.
Egyptian mn (I prefer *mjn) is primarily the Egyptian moon-god although the prevalent syncretism of Egypt eventually connected him with many other functions. I assert that Egyptian *mjn is cognate with PIE *me:n-. His regular epithet: 'he who raises his arm in the east' is a reference to the waning crescent of the moon. Notice: there is no coronal in this word.
The Egyptian cognate of PIE *m-e-t- is in mt.y, 'precise, exact'. Notice: there is no nasal in this word.
 Miguel's false transformation is based on two words that have only initial *m- in common.