Re: Albanian output for *gWH

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 43900
Date: 2006-03-17

--- In, "alexandru_mg3" <alexandru_mg3@...>
> For Albanian the output are
> 1. gWH/- > PAlb/Dacian? *g (in all positions)
> 2. gWH/+ > PAlb/Dacian? *g^ (in all positions)
> Examples of gWH/-:
> 1. Alb. argull 'young louse, newly hatched nit' < PIE *horgWH-ulo

[AK] Certenity -

> 2. Alb. djeg 'to burn' < PIE *dHegWH-o

[AK] I agree, but it is just one example, compared with four of mine.

> So there is no rule: PIE *gWH/- > Alb. h
> Abdullah, please review your etymologies, based on this.
> Marius
> Examples of gWH/+:
> 1. PIE gWHer-mo > Dacian g^ermi-sara 'hot spring(s)' [e/accented-
> closse-syllable>ja] > Alb. zjarm 'fire'
gw (labiovelar)

*gwei- `to live' 1. Alb. <nxit> `to encourage, motivate, stimulate'
probably from prefixed form *H1en-*gwei-ti > *nzit (nz>nx); b.
nxitje `stimulation, encouragement, motivation' as deverbative in –
je. 2. Probably Alb. <zekth> `cleg, horsefly, botfly' from extended
suffixed o-grade form *gwoik-zd. (Pokorny gwey- 467.)

*gwelH- `to throw, reach, with further meaning to pierce'. Oldest
form *gwelH1- with metathesized *gwleH1-, contracted to *gwle:-.
I. Words denoting to throw, reach. 1. Suffixed form *gwle:-n-yeH2 >
glona > guna `woolen pelerine worn by shepherd and thrown over the
shoulders like tunic', cf. hedh gunën krahëve `to throw the pelerine
over the shoulders' only in Gheg dialect. Also <gujë> `id.'.
Prefixal derivative is masculine noun <zhgun> `soutane'.
II. 1. Alb. <gjylpânë/gjilpërë> `needle' probably from extended and
suffixed zero-grade form *gwl.p-oneH2 > glipânë and due to L – V >
V – L, where vowel is in unstressed position, we got final form
<gilpânë> that further developed in Gheg <gjylpânë> (/y/ testifies
that /i/ was followed by bilabial, so it underwent to bemoloization)
and Tosk <gjilpërë>: Gr. belone: `id.'. (Pokorny 2. gwel- 471, 1.
gwel- 470.)

*gwen- `woman'. 1. Alb. <zonjë> `milady, dona, madam' and in
definite form <zonja> `patroness' probably from *gwe:n-yeH2. In NP
<zonja mëmë> it has the meaning <queen mother>, <zonjë e
rëndë> `queen, dame', <e zonja e shëpisë> `housekeeper, hostess': OE
cwe:n `woman, wife, queen': Sl. z'ena. (Pokorny gwe:na: 473.)

*gwerH- `to swallow'. (Oldest form *gwerH3-.). 1. Alb.
<gurmaz> `gullet; larynx, pharynx' (Rom. grumaz `id.') probably from

*gwr.H-mn. > gruma-z (cf. Gr bro:ma `food' from *gwro:-mn.), where –
z seems to be plural suffix with regular R – V > V – R where vowel
is not in stressed position. 2. Alb. <zorrë> `gut' is probably from
suffixed lengthened e- grade *gwe:rH-neH2. 3. Metathesized suffixed
zero-grade form *gwri-wa-ko > Alb. <grykë> `neckband, throat; gully,
inlet': same treatment of cluster VWV > y ans in *duwo. (Pokorny 1.
gwer- 474.)

*gwerH- `mountain'. 1. Alb. <gur> `stone, rock' from *gwr.H1-u: Ill.
Gir-ona: Skt giri-: Sl. gora. (Pokorny 3. gwer- 477.)

*gwhen- `to strike, kill'. 1. Alb. <m'u zânë> `to quarrel' only in
Gheg dialect, also prefixed form <m'u nxânë> from *H1en- + gwhen-o.
2. Suffixed diminutive form *gwhon-ko > Alb. <zënkë> `quarrel,
contest'. 3. Suffixed extended zero-grade form *gwn.t-sa > Alb.
<gacë> `live-coal, burnin ember; spark' (cf. Eng. gun from Old Norse
gunnr `war'). 4. This extended zero-grade *H1en- *gwn.t-er-a:-n-yo
form have yielded also Alb. <n-gat-ër-oj>, synonymic with <m'u
zânë> `to contest, quarrel', <ngatërresë> `quarrel' (cause of war).
5. Prefixed form <sh-katërroj> `to destroy, defeat': Lat. de-fended,
ob-fendere, Pers. zahr `poison', entered Balkan languages as
<zeher>. (Pokorny 2. gwhen-(H)- 491, Watkins gwhen- 35.)

*gwher- `to heat, warm'. 1. Alb. <nxej> from prefixed form <n-
zej> `to heat' probably from lengthened and suffixed o-grade *gwho:r-
yo. 2. <ngroh> from prefixed metathesized lengthened e-grade form
*H1en- + *gwhre:-sko. 3. <zjarr> `fire' from much older form <zjarm>
(assimilation –rm- > -rr-) from *gwher-m(n)o (*e > ja in closed
syllable and after secondary cluster): Gr thermos `warm, hot' and
therme: `heat'. (Pokorny gwher- 493.)

*gwou – `ox, bull, cow'. 1. Alb. <ka> `ox', pl. <qe> probably from
devoiced form *kwou- (*-kw- and *-gw- if not followed by /e/, /i/
are treated as simple velars, *ou, like *au > /a/): Lat. bos: Gr
bous etc. (Pokorny gwou- 482.)

*kw (labiovelar)
*kwe `and'. 1. <mos> `not, don't' is compound of *me: and *kwe (cf.
Greek mete). 2. <as> `not, nor, niether' probably from *n. `no' and
*kwe (cf. Greek oute). (Pokorny kwe 635.)

*kwed- `to sharpen'. 1. <cokat> `to sharpen' probably from prefixed
form t- +*kwe:d-ko-ti > PAlb tsokatO OE hwettan: Lat triquetrus. 2.
<cek> `to mention, mark' probably from t-*kwo:d-k-o. (Pokorny kwed-

*kwei- `to pay, atone, compensate'. 1a. Alb. <cen> `defect,
imperfection'; b. <i/e pacen> `impeccable, flawless, faultless'; c.
deverbative <cenoj> `harm, offend, violate' probably from suffixed o-
grade form kwoi-nto PAlb tsenno: Greek poine `fine, penalty'.
(Pokorny kwei- (t-) 636.)

*kweiH- `to value, honor'. 1. Alb. <çmoj> `to appreciate, value'
probably from zero-grade form *kwi-ma:-n-yo > tshmoj: Greek
time `honor, worth'. (Pokorny 2. kwei- 637.)

*kweiH- `to rest, be quite'. 1. Alb. <sillë> `breakfast; (old) food
brought in the morning to a farmer working in the fields' probably
from suffixed zero-grade form *kwi:-lo: OE hwil: Lat tranquillus.
(Pokorny kweiH- 638.)

*kwelH- `to turn'. 1a. Alb. <sjell> `to bring, turn, behave '
probably from *kwel-no; b. Adj <i sjell•shëm> `well-behaved'; c.
abstract noun <sjell•je> `behavior' 2. Causative <qell> `to carry'
from causative *kwol-eyo > PAlb kall-j that cause Umlaut form
<qell>. 3. <kul> as a bound morpheme in <për•kul> `to bend, flex'
from *kwl.H1-o; b. <ngul> `to settle' from n-kul; c.
<ngulim> `settlement'; d. sh-për-ngul `to displace'. 4. Extended
zero-grade form *kwl.H1-bh > kulp `Waldrebe'. (Pokorny 1. kwel- 639.)
4. kwel- `herd, crowd'. 1. Alb. <cull> `small boy, tot' probably
from zero-grade form *kwul-o, having *kwu- > su same treatment as
*k'u- > su-, usually used as plural <culltë>: Skt kulam: Gr telos:
Sl c^eljad. (Pokorny 3. kwel- 640.)

*kwer- `to make'. 1. Alb. <sarkë> `physique, external appearance;
attire' probably from suffixed form *kwer-keH2 > tsjarka: (e > ja
after secondary cluster): Skt karoti `he makes', karma `act, deed'.
(Pokorny 1. kwer- 641.)

*kweru- `to chew; grind'. 1. Alb. <krune> `bran, wheat husks' as
pluralia tantum probably from suffixed zero-grade form *kwr.u-neH2:
Greek torune sitodes te (Hes.): (Pokorny kweru- 642.)

*kwetwer- `four'. 1. Alb. <katër> `four' probably from variant
masculine form *kwHtur-: Skt catvarah: NPer çaha:r (entered in
different Balkan languages as first element of compound in form
<çar>: <çar-dak>, <çar-shu>): Arm cork: Lat quattuor etc. 2. <stër->
as firs element of a compound: stërqysh `grand-grand-father',
synonymic with <katra-gjysh>, in Dalmatian and Romanian attested as
stra- probably from *kweter- (cf. Greek tessares/tettares and
especially Greek –te- in me:te = Alb. mo-s, Gr oute = Alb a-s, see
above *kwe-). (Pokorny kwetwer- 642.)

*kwo-. Also *kwi-. Stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. 1a.
Alb. <kush> `who' probably from *kwus: Toch A kus, B kuse; b.
<kân/kë> accusative case form from *kwom, perform *kwon with regular
replacing of accusative ending –m with –n in Albanian as well as in
Greek. c. As second part of other indefinite pronouns: <as-kë/kurr-
kë> `none', <di-kë> `someone', <gjithë-kë> `everyone', <pak-
kë> `little some', <ak-kë> `a certain' all accusative forms of <as-
kush>, <gjithë-kush>, <di-kush>, <pak-kush>, <akë-kush>. 2. Adv conj
<ku> `where', as well as <kur> `when' are variant form of *kwu, used
as second element on compounds: <kurrë-ku> `nowhere', <di-
ku> `somewhere', <gjithë-ku> `everywhere', respectively <di-
kur> `sometime' and <kurrë> `never' as a compound of kur + *ne
(negative particle). 3a. Alb. <si> `how, as' from *kwi- (Lat quia);
as second element of compound <asse-si> `in no way, nohow', <di-
si> `somehow', <gjithse-si> `anyhow' etj. 4a. interrogative pronoun
<cili/cila> `which, who' from *kwi-lo > silli/silla that in Genitive
case t-silli/t-silla gets standard form <cili/cila>; relative
pronoun <i cili/e cila> `that'. 5. <se> `what' as a bound morpheme
in <për-/p-se> `why, for what', <me se> with what probably from

*kwo:d-. 6. Prepositon <kah/nga> `to, where' probably from *kwo-
etc. (Pokorny kwo- 644.)

*kwrep- `body, form, appearance'. To me an extended form of *kwer-.
1. Alb. <kurm> `body, torso' probably from suffixed zero-grade form
*kwr.p-no: Lat corpus: OE hrif. (Pokorny 1. krep- 620.)

*kwr.mi- `worm'. 1. Alb. <krim> with homorganic /b/ <krimb> and with
bemolized variant <krym>: Skt krmi-ja `red dye'. 2. Meaning of `red
dye' was preserved in Albanian words: kër-thndezet `to flush'
probably from *kri-, kërboç `red stone', kër-botulë `red clay', kër-
toke `corn bread' etc. (Pokorny kwr.mi- 649.)

Just if anyone is interested in outcomes of PIE labiovelars in
Albanian in initial position.
