Re[3]: [tied] Greek labiovelars

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 43829
Date: 2006-03-15

At 6:44:03 PM on Tuesday, March 14, 2006, Sean Whalen wrote:


> Now you say "No, I don't. Kindly don't put reconstructions
> into my mouth."

> Are you objecting to my saying it is your reconstruction,
> when you were following Jackson?

In part, especially since I was (fairly clearly, I thought)
less than sure of this by the time you responded to João.

> Are you objecting to my replying to Joa~o and not giving
> you enough time to make your own?

I had enough time, but after Jens replied, I saw no reason
to do so myself.

> Are you objecting that my reply restated something you
> wrote?

It stated something that I *didn't* write. It's neither a
quotation nor a paraphrase. In particular, I said nothing
about the voiceless velars, and I did not specify Welsh or
Breton reflexes. I'd probably not have objected to
something like 'Brian's version amounts to the following
scheme', though I'd still have preferred an explicit mention
that the claim for Common Celtic was Jackson's, since I was
taking responsibility only for the OIr outcomes. (Er, so to

