Re: melken, Milch, Molke

From: tolgs001
Message: 43516
Date: 2006-02-21

tgpedersen wrote:

>>Mui(ch) [muj(x)].
>As if from *mulg^- ?

I assume it is rather influenced (in the greater Bavarian dialect) by
the vowel [i] followed by the liquid, which gives [l] > [j]. Similar
occurrences in the same dialect: vui [fuj] < viel, vui z'vui [fujtzfuj]
viel zu viel "way too much" (but in Eastern Austria, Vienna, rather
vül [füül]); Spui [Spuj] < Spiel; i spui, du spuist, er/sie spuit;
(East. Austria spülen [spü:l&n] which is ambiguous to Germans
because of spülen "to rinse"); Mei [maj, maej] < Maul; hoit [hojt]
< halt (phr.: "Hoit's Mei, du schpuist net mit" = "Halt's Maul, du
spielst nicht mit" ("Shut up, you don't play with us"); i wui < ich
will; du wuist < du willst (East Austria wü [wü:]); i woit [vojt]
< wollt(e) (praeterit & subjunctive of "want"); [gejt] for Geld
"money"; Goid < Gold; es guid [gujt] < es gilt < vb. gelten "to
be valid; to have valour" (whence Geld "money", as well as
gelt?/gej?/gell(e)?, the German popular ticks with the meaning
"isn't it?", "doesn't it?" "won't they?" and the like); des gfoit
ma < das gefällt mir "I like it" (East Austria gföd [g'fö:t];
Schui < Schul < Schule "school"; in da schui = in der Schule;
moi, amoi < mal; oamoi = einmal, domois = damals

So vui Muich, mei Liaba! (So viel Milch, mein Lieber!)

vui mui [fuj muj] < viel Milch

vui zvui Gfui (viel zu viel Gefühl "too much feeling")


Rum. <mulg vaca, capra>, Ger. <i(ch) melk(e) die Kuah ['ku-&], die Ziege>
(uger [dZ] --- Euter)