From: mkelkar2003
Message: 43251
Date: 2006-02-05
> --- In, "ytielts" <ytielts@> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any information available for the
> > correspondent sound roots in the superfamily of
> > years ago as proposed by Merritt Ruhlen in 1944), from which some bigGreenberg's work on AmeriInd family is well accepted by linguists and
> > language families such as Afro-Asiatic, Eurasiatic including
> > indoeuropean languages and Dene-Caucasian involving Chinese, my first
> > language, by the way, are believed to derive by the main stream
> > genetists like Cavalli-sforza, Peter Underhill(both are the
> > authoritative genetists working with the HGP) and linguists like
> > Merritt Ruhlen? Thanks for some reliable referrences.
> Ruhlen and Greenberg use the method of "mass comparison" which is a
> load of crap. It consists of looking at lists of words from various
> languages and picking out lookalikes of vaguely similar meaning. It
> has two (well, at least two) fatal flaws. First, there's no mechanism
> to distinguish inherited words from borrowings. Second, it's easy to
> miss seeing cognate words that don't look alike (like English I and
> Latin ego).