>I trust you do not hold these views, for they have more to do with
>religious fundamentalism than with scientific thinking.
>Daniel Koechlin
Daniel, I think that you arrive too quickly to acuse somebody
of 'fundamentalism'.
For example, I think that Romanian (I'm Romanian) inherited
its 'Substratum' from the Dacian Language.
Am I, a fundamentalist, too? Do you will ask me first what arguments
I could have to sustain my afirmation above?
Even, I think also (at least: for instance): that Indo-Aryans
arrived in today India around 2500-2200 BCE, from a Nord-West
direction, I will not accuse Mr. Kelkar in any way if he will not
share the same opinion with me.
Your arguments will speak by themselves (so please post them here if
you have some), but your power of argumentation will not increase
in anyway (in contrary), if you put some 'adjectives' on 'the head'
of Mr. Kelkar here...