Re: [tied] No person and number endings in IE Nordwestblock?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 43063
Date: 2006-01-20

> But, are not they earliest dolichocephalic skulls gracile, and
relative smal - implyng to me a Mediterranean rather than a Nordic
physical type?

No. And females are approximately the same size as males.

> > Rather, I think it likelier that Nordic physical types
> a non-IE language invaded Northern territory already inhabited
> PIE-speaking ethnics.
> >
> You are not the only one to think that. I don't.
> ***
> Patrick:
> My best guess is that Mediterraneans speaking PAA or similar
were succeeded by Caucasians speaking Basque or similar followed by
Nordics speaking Uralic or similar.

Based on what?
