Re: h1,h2,h3 in Albanian

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 42578
Date: 2005-12-21

> Piotr wrote:
>This, however, is didactically unsound. I prefer
>reconstructions which show the phonetic details we can recover. It
>you a better grasp of what PIE was actually like.

Hello Piotr,

In "Against a Proto-Indo-European phoneme a" Lubotsky wrote:

*mad-: Gk. mada:o: 'stream away',Lat. madere 'be wet, drunk' Skt mad-
'be glad, drunk';

*mag-: Gk. magern, mässö 'to knead', OS mako:n 'to make';

*mak-: Gk. makros 'long,great',Lat. macer,OHG magr 'thin, meagre';
the long a: was reconstructed in Gk. mekos n. 'length';

*iag-: Gk. hagios 'holy', Skt.yaj- 'to worship';

*uas-: Gk. a:stu n. 'city', Skt. vastu n. 'homestead'.

Recently, it was demonstrated by Beekes (forthcom.) that in the word-
initial sequence RHC- not the resonant but the laryngeal was
vocalized, yielding -a- in Italo-Celtic and Germanic and e/a/o
(depending on the kind of laryngeal) in Greek. This means that the
above-mentioned roots had an internal H2,which was vocalized in the
zero grade. For the Sanskrit forms, which cannot be explained in
this way, see the next section "

What I want to show here is that he talked here (right or wrong,
doesn't matter) about different vocalizations either of the
resonants or of the laryngeals.... so is more then 'a didactical
goal' in order to can follow 'strict principles'...

Taking one of our example and trying to test the above supposition
(true or false) : if in bhrHg^- the laryngeal was vocalized and not
the resonant we will have PIE *brh1g^- > PAlb *bredz/*berdz (and not
PAlb *bardza that was the case: Alb bardhë <-> Rom. bar(d)za) => so
we could have only brh2g^- or brh3g^- for the PAlb *bardza 'white'

(maybe the root was bhh1rh2(3)g^- that gave *bherag^- after
vocalization from where bherg^/bhrag^~bharg^

(Also in *prh3-wo seems 'probable' that 'only' h3 was vocalized *pro-
wo > *por-wo > *par-wa > etc...)

It's true that Lubotsky (->Beekes) talked only about an initial RHC
cluster and my examples are CRHC , but I wanted only to show what a
big difference we can have if we will consider a later vocalization
of the resonants (and not their 'global' vocalization in 'classical'

Now to come back to PAlb Rules:

For PAlb, could we consider the lost of laryngeals in C'HC' clusters
where C' is any Cons. but not r or l?

like: C'-h1,h2,h3-C' -> C'C' (where C' = any C - {l,r})

At least *bhh2-lo and *brHg^-o or *h1nh3men will be treated well
by a possible software...:)

Best Regards,

P.S. I trust you: but from where you found h1 in brHg^- ? The Balto-
Slavic form is reconstructed as *berHg^-o on Leiden and the Indo-
Arian form as br.Hg^-o (so both, only with H)