--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Abdullah Konushevci
<akonushevci@...> wrote:
> Why we don't not assume that *nekW-t is a denominal from verbal root
> *negW- 'to be dark, be night' and to see <nigger> as derivative in
> suffix -er.
> Konushevci
I see it in the same way, specially since there are words as "neg",
"neghina", "negara", "negura" all words having together the meaning of
"black" and the root "neg-"; the field the root covers is pretty wide
since neg=wart, neghina, nãgarã=comockle, negura=darkness, fog. Thus,
a sign on the skin, plants, natural phenomenon.
Presumabely the kW got reduced to "k" and became sonorised as later
latin "c" in "vitreg" (vitricus).