Hello Piotr,
Please if you can help me with an explanation on: what could be the
PIE sequence to can explain the y in Albanian sy 'eye'
On my side I arrived to the following derivation:
Alb sy < [c^>s; a->zero; iu(:)>y ] PAlb ac^i-u(:)
< [kW/i>c^; h3e > o > a] < PIE *h3ekW-i + here I need an additional
sequence to can have an u(:) in PAlb
I ask this because only a final i or i: in PAlb will not generate
an Albanian y (so we really need a sequence here that contains an u)
Closer on this idea I could found :
" Albanian sy (< *h3okwi- + -ôu ?), etc. (P:775-777)] (Meillet,
1911:150, VW:141; MA:188). "
See at:
Tocharian B: ek*
Thanks in advance for your feedback,