Two Germanic questions (revised)

From: A.
Message: 41662
Date: 2005-10-30

1) I came across the following entries today:

From the English-Gothic Dictionary at
ORDER (n.) =(sequence, numerical, etc.) tewa, sf. - "each in their
appropriate order" in seinai tewai; "of the order of ten, decimal"
ORDER (v.) (sort, arrange in order) ga-tewjan
ORGANISED (sorted, arranged in order) ga-tewiths

from A Proto-Germanic wordhoard
ORDER (sequence) n tewaz

I am simply curious as to whether this word: tewaz/tewa/tewai etc is
any relation to "teiwa" as from the Negau helmet with its "harigasti
teiwa" inscription??

(revised to add)
I know teiwa is believed to be the Proto-Germanic *Tiwaz and thus
stem from *Dyeus. The strange thought I had was whether some term
(tewa) might have come to mean "to order" if Tiwaz was viewed as a
creator/sky deity.
Can anyone provide any details on the etymology of tewaz/tewa/tewai
and so help answer this??

2) While exploring various other sites I found:

Old Frisian: erm 1
Meaning: arm
Part of speech: subst. m.
Origin: PIE
Comments on Frisian forms: OFris. also arm
The evidence attests to the variation e/a < fronted *a before rm
(Steller 8).
Proto-Frisian: *erm
Germanic cognates: Goth. arms, ON armr, OE earm, OS arm, OHG ar(a)m,
MHG arm, arn, MLG Ģrm, ODu. arm, MDu. ar(e)m, aerm, erm `arm'.
Proto-Germanic: *armaz
Proto-Indo-European: *h2orHmos
Page in Pokorny: 58
Comments on Indo-European reconstruction: Full grade perhaps in Av.
arma `arm' (or o/-grade?); o/-grade *HrHmo- in Skt. –rma´-, OPruss.
0000">irmo `arm', Lat. armus `arm, shoulder'
Bibliography: Lendinara 291; Schrijver 313-4 + reff.

As I looked at the various Gmc cognates as well as the final
comments... I wondered if this might be the root of the
infamous "irmin" as in the Irminsul.
Any thoughts or ideas??


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