Re: [tied] Pronunciation of "r" - again?

From: Andrew Jarrette
Message: 41337
Date: 2005-10-13

tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

Don't even get me started. And the percentage of Low German loanwords
in the Continental Scandinavian languages gets close to the
percentage of French loanwords in English.

--  I'm sorry I can't get you started -- I am very curious about such anomalous words in Danish (I mean phonetically anomalous, not borrowed from Low German).  The wool will be pulled from my eyes, I will be corrected again, and my unbalanced view of English will be balanced.

I was aware that there are many words from Low German in the continental Scandinavian languages, but I've never studied or learned these languages sufficiently to be aware that it is similar to the French content of English, so you have educated me.  But English also has an unusually high number of Latin words, often through Middle French, so its character is even more alien to its ancestor.

