--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Grzegorz Jagodzinski"
<grzegorj2000@...> wrote:
> I do not deny that Carlton is a serious scholar but his views are
> incompatible with what is published in Polish (and, I believe, on
> Slavic languages). And it seems that some of his views are based on
> disputable works.
> Of course I could say that basing oneself only on English resources
> chauvinistic as well... or rather very unilateral.
And most of all: costly and ineffective. The study of the Progressive
Palatalization of Slavic has not gone very smoothly. Causes are
various, but linguistic onesidedness has had a lot to do with that. In
particular publications in French (unless by non-French scholars such
as Trubetzkoy, Belic, and Jakobson) and the West Slavic langages have
not been able to exert the influence they should have, which has
resulted in quite a bit of reinventing of wheels etcetera because
results reported by Meillet and such Polish and Czech investigators as
Zubatý, Lehr-Spl/awin/ski, and Milewski remained unknown to scholars