Re: Names of a few Celtic Deities

From: Daniel J. Milton
Message: 40968
Date: 2005-10-02

--- In, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>

> Nodonti cannot derive fro *nei-; and Netus cannot derive from
> You are dealing with divinities with two distinctly different
> 1) Ne:to: is the inspiration to battle frenzy; the Egyptian female
> equivalent is Neith, a blood-thirsty cheerleader.
> 2) Nuado is the 'raider'; the key to understanding his nature is the
> Airgeadlámh, 'Silver Hand', which is self-explanatory.
> What they do have in common is that both are connected to the
> Mercury, the planet of thieves and ululating hysteria.
> ***
Can you substantiate any of these statements?
'Silver-hand', in the myths we have, doesn't refer to raiding for
silver (the Irish were more interested in cows anyway), but literally
to a silver prosthesis, Nuadu having lost a hand, like Tir or Mucius
Dan Milton