Re: [tied] *kap-

From: Rob
Message: 40819
Date: 2005-09-28

--- In, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>

> Is Latin _praebeo:_ presumed from *praihibeo:, from IE *pra:i-
> ghebheh1o:?
> The IE root seems to be *ghebh- here, not *ghabh-.
> ***
> Patrick:
> How can one tell from praebeo: whether the second element was
> *hibeo: or *habeo:?

Either one would have become -hibeo due to the early or pre-Latin
reduction of non-initial vowels.

> Even if this derived from **ghebh-, it would only be an example of
> an */a:/ that had been shortened to */a/, and subsequently been
> inducted into the *A(blaut vowel).
> ***

The IE form should then still be cited as *ghebh-.

- Rob