Re: [tied] Albanian outside the centum-satem division?

From: Abdullah Konushevci
Message: 40530
Date: 2005-09-24

On 9/24/05, Abdullah Konushevci <akonushevci@...> wrote:
On 9/23/05, Abdullah Konushevci <akonushevci@... > wrote:

Labio-velars in Albanian

  1. *degW- 'to burn, warm' > Alb. <djeg> 'burn', causative *H1en +*dogW-ejo > ndazj > ndez 'to inflame, light', but also <mër•dhez> (rd > rdh) 'light up, glow' (cf. Lat. fove 'to warm, cherish', Gr. tephra 'ash'.
  2. *dhigW- 'to stick, fix'. Nasalized form *dhingW-u > deng 'pack, bundle, truss' (iCC > eCC)
  3. *gWa:- 'to go'. Suffixed zero-grade form *gWm.-sko > n•gah 'to run, go'. I think that also prefixed form *sh•gWa:-nyo have yielded in Albanian <shkonj> 'to go', as well as <mër•gonj> 'to migrate' (cf. mër•dhez 'light up' above and mër•typ 'chew' beside sh•typ 'to press', mër•dhinj 'to freeze' from *g'hei-m-yo, beside <dimmer> 'winter' etc.); trashë•goj 'to inherit';
  4. *gWei – 'to live' > Alb. <nxit>, derived from <n•zit> 'stimulate, move' (z > x preceded by nasal /n/, cf. i zi 'dark', but <nxij> 'to dark' etc.), but also as adverb <me nxit> 'quickly': OE <cwic> : Lat. vita : Gr. bios etc.
  5. *gWelH- 'to throw, stick' > Alb. <gjylpanë/gjilpërë> I think is derived from extended suffixed zero-grade form * gWl.p-ena (cf, Gr. belone 'needle'), from *glip-éna, through metathesis l – i > i – l, when vocal is in unstressed position. This suggestion was first made by Henrik Barich.
  6. *gWen- 'woman' > Alb. <zonjë>, derived from lengthened suffixed e-grade *gWe:n-ya: (cf. OE cwe:n > queen).
  7. gWerH2- 'heavy' > Alb. <gur> 'stone', derive from zero-grade form *gWr.H2-u. But, again my craziness at work, I think that suffixed o-grade form *gWorH-na: have yielded Albanian <barrë> 'burden, load'; <me barrë> 'pregnant', dimunitive <bark> 'stomach'; mbarre 'shame, disgrace' etc.
  8. *gWhen- 'to strike, kill' > Alb. <zânë/zënë> 'to fight', participle derived from *gWhen-to; <zënkë> 'contest' (cf. Lat. de•fender, ob•fendere > offendere, Per. zahr 'poison', entered in Balkan languages as via Ottoman language <zeher>).
  9. *gWher- 'to heat, warm' > <ngroh> 'to warm', probably from *H1en + gWhre:-sko; *gWer-m(n)o > Alb. <zjarm> (cf. Gr. <thermos> 'warm, hot' and <thermé> 'heat'), later, due to assimilation, <zjarr> 'fire'. I guess that also Alb. <nxej> 'to warm up' is derived from metathesised form *gWhro:-nyo > zej > n- zenj > nxej (see above examples).
  10. gWou- 'ox, bull, cow' > Alb. <ka> 'ox' (*ou like *au > Alb. /a/) , pl. <kje/qe> 'oxen' (cf. OE cu:, Lat. bos, bovis etc.).
  11. *kWe- 'and' > Alb. <se> 'what' like in: <me se> 'with what', <përse> 'for what, why' and as enclitic in: <nga•se> 'for', <as•se•si> 'in no way, nohow', <mba•se> 'maybe, <në•se> 'if', <kur•se> 'whereas' as well as proclitic in: <se•si> 'how', <se•sa> 'before, than', <se•cili> 'everybody, each', <se•kush> 'id.'. Nevertheless, nondiphthongation of *e could be explained as a result of prefixation, being in enclitic position first (cf. as in: <mb•ledh> 'to collect', <zgjedh> 'to choose' < *leg'- 'to collect')
  12. *kwei-1 'to pay, compensate' > Alb. <pë•sonj> 'endure, meet with', <më•sonj> 'to teach, learn', probably we have to deal with dissimilation i – i > i – o (më < *ambhi-; *pë < *epi-). Reconstructed, unattested latin roots, to my viw, *patia:re (pësoj) and *inventia:re (mësoj) are not based. I think that o-grade suffixed form *kWoi-no have yielded <cen> 'imperfection, flaw, defect' (cf. Gr. poine: 'fine, penalty'); verb <cenoj> 'threaten, offend, violate' (/c/ is a result of gen. case <i t'sen-it > i cenit); adj. <i pacen> 'perfect';
  13. *kWei-2 'to pile up, build, make' > Alb. <sajoj> 'invent, fabricate', <sajim> 'invention', <sajesë> 'concoction, fairytale'. Meyer's etymology that it is a loan from Turkish <sayIklI> 'clever' is very strange. It is hard to be separated from Greek *poiein 'to make, create' < *kWoi-wo- 'to make'.
  14. *kWel- 'to revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell' > Alb. <sjell> 'to bring, turn, place, behave', probably from *kWel-no; <i sjellshëm> 'well-mannered', <sjellje> 'behavior'. Prefixed zero-grade form *H1en + * kWl.H > ngul 'to put, stick', <ngulim> 'placement', <shpërngulje> 'displacement' etc.
  15. *kWetwer – 'four' > Alb. <katër>, probably from a weak-grade *kWH2twer- (cf. Sl. c^&tyre, Lat. quattuor, as well as *mH2g'/meg'- > Alb. < i madh>). For, in Albanian we have also prefix <stër->, completely identical with <katër>: katragjysh 'grand-grandfather', attested also in Dalmatian <stra> and Romanian <stra>, I have expressed the suspicion that it could be derived from the variant form *kWetwr. > *setri- and, due to R – V > V – R, we have later *sëtër > stër-.
  16. *kWo-/*kWi- stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. Alb. <ci•li> 'who, which', probably from *kWi- > si (Gen. i t'si-lit > i cilit), but as adver <si> 'how'; other variant is <kush> 'who, which', derived from *kWo-so, acc. *kWom   > kâ/kë 'which' (*kW > s, after /i/, *kW > k, after /o/)
  17. *kWr.mi- 'worm' > Alb. <krim> 'id.'. There is also bemolized form *krym as well as with homorganic /b/: <krimb> (cf. Sk <kr.mi-ja 'red dye', Sl. <crv> 'worm' etc.). Variant form *wr.mi-. (*kW > k, followed by liquids)
  18. *legWh- 'light' > Alb. <i lehtë>. I think that –të is later extension and primary form was *leh (*gWh- > Alb. /h/).
  19. *nekW- 'night' > Alb. <natë>, derivied from o-grade form *nokW-t-eH2 (cf. Lat. nox, cis 'id.', Gr. <nux>;
  20. *pekW- 'to cook, ripen' > Alb. <pjek> 'ripen, bake' (cf. Lat. coquere 'to cook' < *kWekW-, Gr. peptein 'to cook' etc.);
  21. *penkW > Alb. <pesë> 'id.' (cf. OE <fif> from assimilated form *pempe, Lat. quinque 'id.', Gr. pente 'id.', Sl. <pet> 'id.', Sk. <panca> 'id.'
  22. *sekW-1 'to follow' > Alb. <n•jek> 'to follow' (*s > j); cf. Lat. sequi 'to follow'; Standard Albanian <ndjek> with homorganic /d/;
  23. *sekW-2 'to perceive, see' > Alb. <shoh> 'I see' < *seH2kW-sko > *sa:k-sko;
  24. *sekW-3 'to utter, say' > Alb. <theks> 'accent, emphasis', probably prefixed o-grade form *t- + *sokW-tyo (cf. OE sagu 'a saying, speech');
  25. *sengWh- 'to sing' > Alb. <gjink•allë> 'cicada' (cf. OE sang song);
  26. *sneigWh- ;snow' > Alb. <neh/dêj> 'place where the snow melts', probably from o-grade form *snoigWh-o (*sn > Alb. /n/, *oi > e and, as I mentioned one example, *gWh > h); cf. OE sna:w, Sl. sneg' id', Lat. nix etc.;
  27. *terkW- 'to twist' > Alb. <tjerr> 'to spin, twist' (*rkW like *rw > Alb. /rr/, attested also in Illyrian place name Kerk(W)-ora > Alb. <qarr>), <shtjerr> 'wear out' (cf. OHG dwer > queer, Germanic thwerh-'twisted, oblique', Lat. torque:ere 'to twist'. Synonym <dredh> 'to snip, twis';
  28. wekW- 'to speak' > Alb. <ves> 'to ask', also <pë•ves>, <dë•ves>, attested in Geg dialect. I think that also Tosk and Standard Albanian <pyes> shoul be from *epi- + wekW-yo > *pi- +ves >pyes 'id.'.
  29. wl.kWo- > Alb. <ulk>, later <ujk>, attested in Ill PN Ulk•ini-on, Ulcisa, Ulca (river name, today Vuka) and also in Ulkiana/Ulpiana (cf. OE wolf 'id.', Croatian vuk 'id.'). Taboo variant *lukWo- (Gr. lukos) is attested in Alb. lukuni 'pack of (hungry) wolve'
  30. yekWr. – 'liver' > Alb. <zemër> 'heart', probably from nasalized form *yemkWer > zember > zemmër > zemër - <zemërak> 'liverish'.
