From: glen gordon
Message: 40332
Date: 2005-09-22
> *k^ad- 'fall': Skt. sad-, Lat. cado 'fall' (a-colourWhy can't *a exist in some cases? It would be odd
> even if *k^, not *k, evident)
> *keH2- *[kah-] 'desire': Skt. ka:- 'desire', Lat.Or rather, both *k and *h2 together colour the
> ca:rus 'dear' etc. (yes, -a- here but caused by H2
> rather)
> *sk^end- 'shine, appear': Skt. chadáyati, Av.No problems there.
> sadhaiieiti 'seems', prob. Grk.
> kékasmai 'distinguish oneself'
> *skend- 'leap': Skt. skand-, OIr. scendid/scennidOh dear :( This example makes me sad... temporarily,
> 'leap' etc. (with -e- instead of expected -a-)