Re: [tied] Re: IE thematic presents and the origin of their themati

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 40175
Date: 2005-09-20

Rob wrote:

> I know that is only one example, but there are a couple things I find
> puzzling: one is the use of the infinitive ending -ac' in <zapraszac'>
> vs. -ic' in <(za)prosic'>. Another is /S/ in the former vs. /s/ in the
> latter. Can you explain this?

The -a- is a suffix forming iterative stems. The /S/ comes from *-s- +
*-j- (*pros-i-ti vs. *pras-j-a-ti). What's interesting about this
Balto-Slavic vr.ddhi is that it extends even to *i and *u, e.g. Pol.
<da,c'> 'blow' (< *dUm-ti < *dum-) vs. <nadymac'> (< -dym-a-ti <
*du:m-a:-) 'inflate' or <pia,c'> (sie,) 'climb' (< *pIn-ti < *pin-) vs.
<wspinac' sie,> (< *-pin-a-ti < *pi:n-a:-)
