Re: [tied] The Infamous Disk... [Phaistos]

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 40080
Date: 2005-09-17

At 11:21:22 PM on Friday, September 16, 2005, C. Darwin
Goranson wrote:

> I'm reading a rather interesting book by Steven Roger
> Fischer, telling about how he cracked the code of the
> Phaistos Disk in 1984, revealing it to be an Eastern
> dialect of Greek (albeit ANCIENT), and how he decoded
> Rongo-Rongo, the written language on Easter Island. I
> checked, and it's a real language, strangely enough.


> If you want, I can put up the decoding, the expanded
> version and English translation of the expanded version.
> But does this seem hoax-like?

Not a hoax, just crankery. Any cryptologist can tell you
that the Phaistos Disk text isn't long enough to permit a
solution, and I believe that Miguel has observed elsewhere
that the 'Archaic Greek' is nothing of the sort.

No one accepts his rongo-rongo 'decipherment' either.
