Re: Interesting names in Sweden

From: tgpedersen
Message: 38937
Date: 2005-06-27

--- In, Carl Hult <datalampa@...> wrote:
> I want to know where I may find an explanation for the following
> names:
> Kvämmir-Batsin (a lake in a wood in central Sweden, a few miles
> the norwegian border)
> Sigri-Lotsin (a marshland in the same area as the lake above)
> Kvänn-Tölln (same kind of marshland)
> Sjigir-Kneippa (woodland to the south of the above named places)
> Vein (another woodland)
> The reason for putting this on cybalist is because I believe there
> some indoeuropean elements in these names but I have yet to
> any of them. Can you help or show me where I might find help?

Which are the IE elements you see in those names?
