alexandru_mg3 wrote:
> NOTE : I want to complete me here with the intervocalic s > h in
> PAlbanian (Pedersen proposed 's > h before u')
> So without trying to invent additional sk^ , several metathesis
> etc...the conclusion is simple: there was two types of outputs for
> an intervocalic PIE *V-s-V in Proto-Albanian times...
Pedersen (no matter if he was right or wrong) meant only inherited PIE
*s, not those instances of Modern Albanian /s/ which have resulted from
the phonetic simplification of *c < *k^. Cimochowski believed that *k^u
developed like *k^w or *kW/+, i.e. via *c^(W) into Mod.Alb. /s/, but the
examples I know are not very convincing. Anyway, *k^/_u might yield Alb.
<th> or perhaps <s>, but certainly not <h>. By the way I assume a
_single_ metathesis, not several, in the passage from *swek^uro- to
<vjehërr>, and the *sk^ is not "additional" or "invented" because it's
simply the result of the metathesis.