Re: Latin dunc

From: g
Message: 38323
Date: 2005-06-03

> I don't know "dunc", and can't find it in the online L&S Latin
> dictionary, nor in my smaller Cassell's. Nunc, tunc, but not
> dunc.
> Dan Milton

Cf. Romanian atunci/atuncea & atunce (< Lat. ad- + tunc-).

As for deci < de- + aci (as it's put in the Rum.
dictionary), it's worth mentioning that Romanian <acĂ­>
has these variants: <aici> [a-'ic^] and <ici/icea>.

<De ici> [de-a'(y)ic^] seems phonetically closer to
<deci> than <de aci> [de-a-'tc^i].
