Re: [tied] c^asU

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 38025
Date: 2005-05-24

Abdullah Konushevci wrote:

> My opinion is that Alb. <kohë> 'time' can be reconstructed from PIE
> *kWa:sk'aH2/kWe:sk'aH2 and could be also related to Lat. cascus 'old,
> ancient' (cf. <njeri/burrë/grua në kohë> 'old man/woman'.

a: ~ e: ablaut? That would only be possible if you assumed something
like *kWah2-sk^ah2 vs. *kWe:h2-sk^o- (vr.ddhied quite ad hoc), but even
then the Latin form remains difficult, and *s is not the correct outcome
of *-sk(^)- in Slavic! And why *kW if there is no <qu> in Latin?
Incidentally, <cascus> is more plausibly related to the *k^as- family
of words meaning 'grey(-haired)'. You have to rethink it all.
