Re: [tied] Re: Stative Verbs, or Perfect Tense

From: Miguel Carrasquer
Message: 36546
Date: 2005-03-01

On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 16:21:31 +0000, nathrao
<nathrao@...> wrote:

>--- In, Miguel Carrasquer <mcv@...> wrote:
>> Still, I found some 15 cases where a primary s-aorist and a
>> ske-present are made from the same root (against 38 cases of
>> root aorist + ske, as expected).
>> I noticed a tendency for these cases to have a root
>> structure CeC, and especially CeH:
>> (stop) *weg^h-, *tres-, *tep-, *prek^-; (resonant) *men-,
>> *ghWer-; (laryngeal) *(s)neh2-, *peh2(i)-, *mneh2-, *yeh2-,
>> *g^neh3-.
>IIRC, many of these make other presents (e.g., wegh^ has thematic, men
>has nasal present) and other aorists as well (men has root aorist).
>Why should we believe that the sk^e-present vs s-aorist is the
>original opposition?

A few of them make only a sk^e-present. sk^e-presents are
relatively rare (that's why I could quickly go through LIV
to look at all the instances: I wouldn't do that so lightly
with other present types).

>[I have a more fundemental question: Why should we believe that PIE
>had a >binary< 'perfective' vs 'imperfective' opposition (rather than
>a large number of derivational processes, some of which led to
>meanings compatible with progressive sense, some not)?. Miguel knows
>my objections. Others are referred to the archives of the IE list
>available at (look for subjects such as
>momentary-durative, root presents, aorist etc). I am afraid that I
>don't time to restate all of that now.]

If my analysis is correct, what I'm talking about this time
involves more than semantic shades of roots. I think that
there was a separate aorist category at a much deeper level,
which was characterized by a different set of _endings_.

So, if the active had the endings:

1. *-m(i) [**-mu]
2. *-s(i) [**-tu]
3. *-t(i) [**-0 + -ta]
1. *-m-és(i) [**-mu-átu]
2. *-t-é [**-tu-átu]
3. *-én-t(i) [**-0-án + -ta]

The aorist had the set:

1. *-m [**-mu]
2. *-s [**-tu]
3. *-s [**-0 + -su or -tu]
1. *-w-én [**-mu-án]
2. *-t-ér [**-tu-án]
3. *-ér-s [**-0-án + -su or -tu]

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal