Re: [tied] Stative Verbs, or Perfect Tense
From: aquila_grande
Message: 36474
Date: 2005-02-25
A logical historic developement might be as follows.
In common indo-hettite (usually called Indo-european) there was two
conjugtions, as in Hettite conj. I (mi) and II (hi)
Then there some derived reduplicated verbs conjugated after conj.
II, and having regular tenses.
In the beginning these verbs could simply denote durative action
that have been going on some time before the time of reference
(present or a point in the past).
In IE proper these verbs then lost their tense distictions and
developed into a perfect tense. That is: e past action having an
influence on the present or a past action continuing into the
The two conjugations may originally have denoted transitive and
intransitive verbs, and may have developed from a ergative /
nominative type of personal endings.