Re: Walachians are placed far North the Danube in Nestor

From: g
Message: 35635
Date: 2004-12-24

> What is needed is an in-depth comparative study of the various
> alternatives, particularly with respect to the dialectological
> consequences that follow from each option. No easy job. To
> the best of my knowledge such a study has never been performed.
> Willem

Did you read Ernst Gamillscheg's essay "Über die Herkunft der
Rumänen" (Berlin, 1940)? In connection with the finds registered
in the "Atlasul Lingvistic Român" (finished cca. 1938, and
co-ordinated by Sextil Pu$cariu).

A presentation thereof by Christian Schneider (a Transylvanian
Saxon) in his diploma thesis in Vienna:
"5 Das romanische Kerngebiet in Siebenbürgen. Die Theorie
Ernst Gamillschegs."

[both in German]


BTW, an essay by Stelian Brezeanu re. 10th c.:

Merry Xmas,