Re: Walachians are placed far North the Danube in Nestor (1056-1136)

From: tolgs001
Message: 35621
Date: 2004-12-24

>*****GK: Now THIS is indeed anachronistic. There were
>no "Ruthenians" in Galicia in the late 9th century.
>Only Croats (one of the many surviving Avar Croatias,
>actually local Slavs). Only after the Kyivan conquest
>in the late 10th century did Galicia become "Ruthenian".*****

Neither did know the Hungarian chronicler, the "anonymous" P.
(Pósa?), the notary of a king Béla of Hungary (towards 1200).
In his "Gesta Hungarorum" he wrote:

chapter 8: "De Rutenia", where the Hungarian confederates
attacked Kiev, and then made peace with the Ruthenians:

"Postquam autem ad partes _rutenorum_ peruenerunt,
sine aliqua contradicione usque ad ciuitatem Kieu
transierunt et dum per ciuitatem Kyeu transissent
fluuium deneper transnauigando, __uolerunt regnum
_rutenorum_ sibi subiugare.__"

Then, in chap. 9, captioned "De pace inter ducem et _ruthenos_,"

"Duces uero _ruthenorum_ licet non sponte tamen
hec omnia almo duci concesserunt. Sed rogauerunt
almum ducem, ut dimissa terra galicie, ultra
siluam Houos uersus occidentem in terram pannonie
descenderent, que primo athila regis terra fuisset.
Et laudabant eis terram pannonie ultra modum esse

Chap. 11 "De ciuitatibus lodomer et Galicia" starts this way:

"Tvnc almus dux et alij principales persone
qui hetumoger dicuntur, nec non duces cumanorum
una cum cognatis et famulis ac famulabus suis
egressi sunt de Kyeu, et in ductu _ruthenorum_
Kyeuyensium uenerunt, usque ad cjuitatem lodomer."
